A little cleaning is necessary to build the fencing on a plane soil. A bulldozer solves the problem in a few hours.
The fencing is very simple: bamboo posts every 3m, five rows of barbed and planned wire. We only want a protection for our plantations against the appetite of goats and carabaos. As soon as possible a living fence will be planted and will cover and replace this ugly barbed wire fence.
Seven species of plants constitute this living fence: Bougainvillea spectabilis, Cajanus cajan (Kadyos), Calliandra calothyrsus, Desmantus virgatus (Cow pea) , Sesbania grandiflora (Katuray) and Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Bulaklak ng paraiso). These plants are also selected because of their great value in a windbreak and the living fence is the first row of the windbreak. Of course they participate to the increasing of biodiversity and embellishe the limits of the lot.
In our temporary nursery we start seedlings of some of these species. Here are our first seedlings of Caesalpinia pulcherrima, one of the most beautiful flower of Asia.
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