With the come-back of the month of January, we have to wish our readers the best possible year 2009. And more power!
We will now discover the secrets of the natural farming (NF) Masipag rice production. In this first episode we will detail how to make the different concoctions. In the second episode we will see when and how to use. Most of the receipes are proposed by Andry and Jojie Lim, pope and papess of natural farming, here in the Philippines.

Andry (left picture) introduced the original korean
techniques of M. Cho Han Kyu's (right picture), founder of the Janong natural farming
Thanks to them, NF is known by more and more farmers in every islands of the Philippines (may be not yet all islands, but soon!)
We defined natural farming in the presentation of the school farm project in this blog. We can summarize the natural farming with few words:
- environment-friendly,
- higher yield,
- low cost,
- high quality,
- adaptable,
- farmer friendly,
- respect for life,
- based on the nutritive cycle theory.
This last point is probably the most difficult aspect of the NF because it needs a sense of observation of plants and experience but anybody can understand the theory and the experience is rapidly coming with the practice.
The nutritive cycle theory simply means plants and animals like humans have different nutrient needs as they are growing. Do you feed a newborn with lechon? No! It is exactly the same with plants.
During the vegetative growth stage, the plant builds its body and nitrogen is the main requirement. Next comes the cross-over and the plant prepairs to reproduction and needs phosphoric compounds like a pregnant woman needs sour food. The reproductive growth stage follows and the plant prepares its fruits and needs potassium.
With the exemple of rice we will see how to feed the plant with different concoctions and how to make it. NF is simply to give the good quantity of the good food at the good moment.
As some concoctions need many weeks to be ready, it is adviced to start with the preparation of the inputs. The quantities here under are good for 1 ha. The concoctions are generally "best use before" 6 months. In our experience and for the location of Sagay the cost of the total inputs for concoctions from seeds to harvest is 725 PHP for 1ha, buying all the ingredients (except banana stem and eggshells). The vermicompost costs 250 PHP for 1 bag of 50 kg and we used 20
bags/ha (5000 PHP).
IMO or EM1?
Microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, beneficicial fungi, actinomycetes are working for the farmer in the soil to enhance the production of plant nutrients, speed up composting and protect plants against diseases.
What is the best: Indigenous Micro-Organisms (IMO) or Effective Micro-organisms (EM)?
Opinions are divided even inside the Natural farming group of the Philippines!
The position of Dr Cho is very clear:"Use of imported or artificial micro-organisms is NOT natural farming."
"- Why import alien micro-organisms may be dangerous for our native micro-organisms when it is safe and cheaper to produce ourself our IMO under our bamboo?" say the partisans of IMO.
"- Because we are sure to have much more easily all the types of micro-organisms needed in one bottle prepared in a laboratory under sterile conditions!" answer the supporters of EM1.
One thing is sure: IMO and EM1 work very well. IMO is probably the most difficult preparation of all the concoctions but it is really not insurmountable. If you have time, bamboo and rice, try to prepare your own micro-organisms and you will be a purist natural farmer. If you are late
with your planning and you can find original EM1 (take care of imitations!), or if you are simply a little lazy, or for very large scale utilization, buy a bottle of alien microorganisms. With one liter of EM1 (850P) and after extension, you can treat 15 ha of land.
For this first rice crop in the school farm of Luna, with natural farming protocol, we used EM1 from Pr Teruo Higa manufactured by EM Research Philippines, Inc. in Muntinlupa City. Is it alien or philipino micro-organisms? I don't know...
What is needed to prepare dilution of EM1: molasses, tablespoon, scale, funnel and containers.
EM1 is extended and then diluted before spraying the 1 ha:
90 ml EM1
+ 90 ml Molasses
+ 1800 ml Water= 1980 ml EME 1:1:20
(wait 1 week, check degas every day)
2-12 hours before spraying, give a litle food to your workers!
+ 1980 ml Molasses+ 990 L Water
+ 1800 ml Water= 1980 ml EME 1:1:20
(wait 1 week, check degas every day)
2-12 hours before spraying, give a litle food to your workers!
+ 1980 ml Molasses+ 990 L Water
= 994 L EME:MOLASSES:WATER 1:1:500 (L)
Number of drums 200 L: 5 (for power sprayer)
Number of sprayers 17L: 59
Different techniques are used to prepare IMO. The one proposed by Andry Lim count 7 steps:
1- Fill a length of bamboo pole open or split open on one side with steamed rice,
2- Cover with Manila paper and tie with a string,
3- Protect from rainwater with plastic and from rats with metallic screen,
4- Cover with leaves under bamboos or rice straw or coconut husk,
5- Remove after 3-5 days depending of the temperature and look for white molds on the top of rice,
6- Place in a bucket 5 gallons the moldy rice+molasses 1:1,
7- Cover with Manila paper and tie with a string, 7 days incubation in a cool shaded place.
The mud like juice is used by spraying soil and plants with a mixing 2 tablespoons (TBS) for 1 L of water.
FPJ riceplant, FPJ banana
Fermented Plant Juice produced by the fermentation of plant leaves contains plant growth hormones and micronutrients which enhance plant growth by stimulating the growth of beneficial microorganisms.
For Jojie Lim "Rule of thumb: plant extract of corn plant or rice plant is fed to rice and corn is just like feeding breast milk to a baby".
Preparing FPJ riceplant needs 50 g of seeds. After soaking overnight, and 8 hours for germinating, seedling are spread on planting medium coco coir or coco sawdust in a box with drainage (see picture). After 18 days, leaves are cut and mix with same weight of molasses. Juice is filter after 7 days fermentation.
To prepare FPJ banana, chop 2 kg of stem and mix with 1 kg of molasses. Place something heavy
on the mixing during 5 hours. Then cover with
Manila paper, tie with a string and ferment 7 days in a cool shaded place. (Pictures: before and after fermentation)
For general application, use 2 TBS of FPJ for 10L of water.
Fermented Fruit Juice is used as a foliar spray to sweeten the fruits. It contains plant growth hormones that increase the activity of microorganisms and plant nutrition.
Among many receipes, Jojie Lim recommended a
mixture banana, papaya, pumpkin, molasses 1:1:1:3
(1kg of each fruit is enough for 1 ha of rice). Then
cover with Manila paper, tie with a string and ferment 7 days in a cool shaded place. (Pictures:
before and after fermentation)
Oriental Herbal Nutrient can be considered as a medicinal food supplement which develops the immune system of the plant. It is also a natural pest repellant.
For 1 ha, crush 4 kg ginger and mix with 2 kg molasses and ferment 7 days. Then add 5 L of gin and wait 10 days. Extract around 4L (good for animals) then add same
volume of gin, crushed makabuhay (Tinospora) and chili, and wait again 10 days before second extraction. Add again the same quantity as extracted for a third extraction 10 days later.
Usual use is 2 TBS for 1 L of water.
The Fish Amino Acid is the source of nitrogen for the plant.
Made with 2 kg of fish and the same weight of molasses, the fermentation is 10 to 15 days. Fill only 3/4 of the bottle to let the micro-organisms breath.
Use 2 TBS for 1 L of water.
The calcium phosphate made with animal bones (pork or cow), induce flowering and prevent overgrowth.
First, take off the meat by boiling 2 kg of bones. Put the bones in 5 gallons coconut vinegar, cover and wait 30 days.
Use 1 TBS for 3 L of water.
The calcium carbonate extracted from eggshells, mollusc shells or golden apple snails (kohol) is a source of calcium and micronutrients. Of course it step in the calcium metabolism inside the plant.
For 1 ha, fry 400g crushed eggshell, cool and add to 1 gallon of coconut vinegar. Keep 20 days before filtering and keeping in airtight container.
Lactic Acid Bacteria breaks sugar into lactic acid means it is needed to convert waste and dead materials in organic matter. As it uses ammonia produced during decomposition it reduces foul odors.
To produce LABS, the first rice wash is poured in a container until more or less 20cm high. Cover and wait 7 days. One liter of the clear middle layer is then extracted and mixed with 10 L of milk. After 7 days the yellow liquid is extracted and mixed with same quantity of molasses. (Left picture: separation between protein and fat of the milk and the serum color yellow; right picture: Extraction)
Use: 2 TBS for 1 L of water.
STORING AND PRESERVING OF THE CONCOCTION (from Natural farming manual, Pabinhi-Pilipinas, February 2006)
- Keep the cap loose. For FPJ and FFJ loosen it even more after 2 weeks,
- Shake once a week,
- Add molasses, 20% of the volume of the solution every month,
- Keep 6 months or until it starts to smell bad.
For: Calphos, Calcium, OHN
- Leave the cap loose for the first 2 weeks. Tighten the cap for 20mn and then re-open. If gas escapes the bottle upon reopening, leave it loose, if not, tighten the cap,
- Do not shake,
- Do not add sugar,
- 6-12 months.
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